Monday 25 January 2016

The Start

From a young age I have LOVED travelling and seeing new places and cultures. Something about it just gives me a feeling of happiness and a at home feeling. I have a long list of places, things and activities I wish to do, the list grows longer each day I read the Daily Mail travel section or seeing randoms post on social media or on the web. To show the length of my list I thought I would give you  an example of a few of the places I want to go BUT within in each location there are activities and sights I would like to see:

I would write a list but this picture is much better, anyways they do say that a picture is worth 1000 words.

So I thought I would have a blog about places I have been and places I would love to go, a long with randoms bits i think might be interesting.

I will try and post daily and maybe more somedays... obviously if I'm travelling or on holiday it might be hard.... but we will see.